Article last updated on:
February 09, 2024

Are you using ChatGPT and Google Chrome?

Then you’re probably looking for Chrome Extensions.

Our list consists of 90% free tools.

In this guide, we’ll list the top 15. Let’s go!

Listed: 15 Best ChatGPT x Chrome Extensions

1. WebChatGPT

WebChatGPT - Chrome Extension


  • Free to Use


  • Adds web browsing features to ChatGPT
  • Includes a one-click ChatGPT prompt library
  • Offers prompt management tools
  • Compatible with both Free and Plus ChatGPT users
  • Supports GPT-3.5 and GPT-4


  • Limited to augmenting ChatGPT functionalities
  • May require a learning curve for prompt management


  • Web Access: Scrape search results and extract webpage text.
  • One-Click Prompts: Access a library and manage your own prompts.
  • Search with AI: AI-powered search answers from multiple AI platforms.
  • User Control: Full control over what gets included in your prompts.

2. ChatGPT for Google

ChatGPT for Google - Extension


  • Free


  • Enhances multiple search engines with ChatGPT
  • Real-time chat feature with ChatGPT
  • Supports various GPT versions
  • Markdown rendering and code highlights


  • Requires a ChatGPT/OpenAI account
  • GPT-4 requires manual enable in options


  • Search Engine Support: Works with Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and more.
  • Real-Time Chat: Chat with ChatGPT about your search queries.
  • Version Compatibility: Supports GPT-3.5-Turbo, GPT-3, and GPT-4.
  • User Interface: Dark mode, markdown rendering, and code highlights.
  • Feedback & Customization: Give feedback and set custom triggers.

3. Promptheus

Promptheus - ChatGPT Extension


  • Monthly Subscription: $9.99
  • Yearly Subscription: $99.99
  • Free Trial: 7 days


  • Hands-Free Interaction: Enables voice input.
  • Quick Conversations: Faster responses than typing.
  • Language Customization: Tailor the language settings.
  • Accessibility: Useful for visually impaired users.


  • Requires Internet: No offline mode.
  • Subscription Costs: No free tier beyond trial.
  • Limited Voice Commands: Not as comprehensive as specialized voice assistants.


  • Voice Activation: Hold spacebar to talk.
  • Fast Responses: Optimized for quick conversations.
  • Language Options: Customizable language and voice settings.
  • Compatibility: Works on various platforms.

4. SearchGPT

SearchGPT - Google Chrome Extension


  • Free: No subscription fees.


  • Search Enhancement: Integrates with Google, Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo.
  • Quick Access: Open via a browser popup.
  • Code Highlights: Makes code snippets readable.
  • Dark Mode: Comfortable for low-light browsing.
  • Clipboard Copy: Easy text transfer.


  • Browser Specific: Only available for Chrome.
  • Internet Required: Must be online for functionality.


  • Seamless Integration: Enhances search engine results with AI chat.
  • Instant Chat: Start a conversation with AI right after a search.
  • Code Highlights: Identifies and highlights code in chats.
  • Dark Mode: Low-light browsing option.
  • Clipboard Functionality: Easily copy and paste chat text.

5. Monica

Monica - ChatGPT Extension


  • Free Version: Limited daily usage
  • Paid Version: Access to advanced features


  • Versatile Functions: Writing, searching, translating, and more.
  • No Login Required: Works without ChatGPT or OpenAI account.
  • Multi-Model Support: GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 available.
  • Web-wide Access: Available on all websites.
  • Mobile Support: Android/iOS compatibility.


  • Memory Usage: May affect browser performance.
  • Free Limitations: Advanced features locked behind paywall.


  • Chatbot Sidebar: Instant access to Monica for various tasks.
  • Quick Wake-Up: Simple keyboard shortcuts for quick activation.
  • Search Enhance: Augments results on multiple search engines.
  • Built-in Templates: Over 80 for various writing needs.
  • Voice Control: Allows voice input for smoother interaction.

6. ChitChat

ChitChat - ChatGPT Extension For Chrome


  • Free: No charge but might have limitations.


  • Dual Search: Traditional results meet AI-powered responses.
  • Instant Chat: Quick conversations with ChatGPT right after searching.
  • Easy Access: Browser popup eliminates need for separate apps.
  • Dark Mode: Easier on the eyes in low-light settings.
  • Summary Feature: Condense long webpages or videos quickly.


  • Not Specified: Potential limitations are not outlined.


  • Chrome Access: Get ChatGPT in your browser, no fuss.
  • Code Highlight: Makes code snippets in your conversation easier to read.
  • Clipboard Copy: Transfer chat text to other apps smoothly.
  • GPT-4 Support: Advanced and accurate answers to your queries.

7. Power Tools

Power Tools - ChatGPT Google Chrome Extension


  • Free: No cost, enjoy the features.


  • Multi-Access: Toolbar icon, navigation bar, or context menu—take your pick.
  • Integrated Search: Answers from ChatGPT alongside your search results.
  • Quick Start: No hurdles, just sign in and go.


  • Limited to Browsers: Not an app-based solution.


  • Toolbar Click: Hit the icon and start chatting.
  • Omnibox Ready: Type “gpt + space” in the search box.
  • Context Menu: Right-click to run ChatGPT.
  • Search Enrichment: Works with Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.

8. Sider

Sider - ChatGPT Chrome Extension


  • Free: 30 queries/day, limited advanced features.


  • Multi-AI Support: Chat with different AIs like ChatGPT, NewBing, Gemini.
  • Versatile Web Assistant: Works across websites for summarizing, translating, and more.
  • Multi-Platform: Use the same account on Chrome, Edge, Safari, and even mobile apps.


  • Daily Query Limit: Free version comes with a cap on daily queries.


  • Multi-AI Chat: Choose your AI buddy. Got ChatGPT, NewBing, Gemini, and more.
  • Web Helper: Universal web assistant for tasks like summarization, translation, and grammar check.
  • Custom Prompts: Pre-set or make your own prompt templates.
  • Quick YouTube Summaries: No need to watch the full video; get quick summaries.
  • Platform Flexibility: Consistent experience across multiple devices and browsers.


AIPRM - ChatGPT Chrome Extension


  • Free


  • Wide Range: 3600+ professional prompts make it a one-stop-shop for various needs.
  • Customizable: Build your own prompt library and tailor the prompts.
  • Time-Saving: Integrated with ChatGPT for quick content generation.
  • Community Support: Access to a forum of experts for advice.


  • Premium Needed: Some top-tier features like Custom Tones and Live Crawling are premium-only.

Free Features

  • Teams: Share prompts company-wide for consistency.
  • Custom Profiles: Personalize your ChatGPT output.
  • Advanced Search: Find your perfect prompt quick.
  • Prompt Variables: Create flexible prompts.
  • AIPRM Everywhere: Seamless integration with web browsing.

Premium Features

  • Custom Tones: Ensure on-brand communication.
  • Live Crawling: Target specific URLs for online research.
  • Prompt Forking: Customize public prompts.
  • Power Continue: Easy one-click content continuation.

10. Assistant Plus

ChatGPT Assistant Plus - Extension For Chrome


  • Free


  • Seamless Integration: Engage with ChatGPT without switching tabs or apps.
  • Quick Access: Use the address bar or right-click to launch ChatGPT.
  • Enhanced Search: Get ChatGPT results alongside traditional search results.


  • Learning Curve: May take time to get used to the extended features.


  • ChatGPT Popup: Access ChatGPT instantly via the extension’s popup.
  • Omnibox Integration: Just type “gpt” and a space in the address bar for quick access.
  • SERP Addition: View ChatGPT results with your regular search engine results.
  • Context Menu: Right-click to launch ChatGPT on any webpage.

11. ChatGPT Friend

ChatGPT Friend - Google Chrome Extension


  • Free


  • Real-Time Information: Get instant, accurate responses from ChatGPT.
  • Multi-Search Engine Support: Works with Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo.
  • User-Friendly: Chat naturally with the AI for information.


  • Compatibility: Doesn’t work well with other ChatGPT extensions.


  • Search Integration: See ChatGPT answers alongside your regular search results.
  • Site-Wide Helper Button: Get ChatGPT’s assistance on any website.
  • Feedback Option: Help improve the extension by giving feedback.
  • Custom Trigger Mode: Customize how you want to engage with ChatGPT.
  • Clipboard Copy: Easily copy ChatGPT responses for later use.

12. ChatGPT everywhere

ChatGPT everywhere - Extension


  • Free


  • Versatile: Works with multiple search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo.
  • Rich Features: Markdown rendering, code highlighting, and dark mode.
  • Direct API Access: Connects to the official OpenAI API for reliable responses.


  • Account Requirement: Must have a ChatGPT account to use.


  • Search Integration: ChatGPT answers show up next to traditional search engine results.
  • Popup Access: Directly interact with ChatGPT from the extension popup.
  • Advanced Reading: Markdown rendering and code highlighting for an improved reading experience.
  • Feedback System: Contribute to the extension’s growth with your feedback.
  • Custom Trigger and Clipboard Copy: Personalize engagement and easily save responses.


LINER - ChatGPT Google Extension


  • Free


  • Versatile: Use on any web page, PDFs, and even YouTube.
  • Comprehensive: Translate, paraphrase, and get in-depth info.
  • Extra Features: Web and PDF highlighter, content curation, Google Search integration.


  • Might be overwhelming with features for casual users.


  • Live Discussion: Anywhere on the web, PDF, and YouTube.
  • Translate & Simplify: Make content more accessible.
  • Email Drafting: Generate Gmail drafts.
  • Integrated Responses: ChatGPT answers alongside Google results.
  • Article References: Cites the source of information.

14. Tabrr

Tabrr - ChatGPT Extension


  • Free basic version
  • Premium version for advanced features, $5/month


  • Highly customizable dashboard
  • Cloud sync for cross-device usage
  • Multiple search engine options
  • ChatGPT for quick questions and conversations
  • Clean and aesthetically pleasing design


  • Premium version required for advanced features
  • Might be overwhelming for users seeking simplicity
  • Compatible mainly with Chrome


  • ChatGPT: Engage in real-time conversations
  • Cloud Sync: Keep your settings and bookmarks consistent across devices
  • Wallpaper: Personalize your homepage with ready-made or custom images
  • Bookmarks: Visual icons and folder organization
  • Search: Choose from Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and Ecosia

15. Tactiq

Tactiq - Extension for ChatGPT


  • Free Chrome extension for basic features
  • Premium plans available for advanced capabilities


  • Ultra-accurate meeting summaries and transcriptions
  • One-click integration with Google Meet, Zoom, and MS Teams
  • Real-time transcription and summary
  • AI-powered action items and key takeaways
  • Trusted by 250,000+ people across 20,000+ companies


  • Premium features may require subscription
  • Limited to platforms it can integrate with
  • Some may find the array of features overwhelming


  • Real-Time Transcription: Never miss a word
  • GPT-4 Powered Summaries: Insightful and concise
  • ChatGPT Assistant: On-the-spot meeting help
  • Transcript Storage: Save to Google Drive, Notion, Dropbox, PDF
  • Shareable Summaries: Directly share with Slack and Microsoft Teams


These are our top 15 extensions for Google Chrome, all related to ChatGPT.

Power up your AI with these!

Learn how to become more productive with our guides on how to use AI.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch David and Daniel

About the author

David, the head editor at, has four years of experience in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Join David and the team and explore AI tools and contributing to the creation and curation of AI educational content.