Article last updated on:
December 27, 2023

Move faster in ChatGPT using shortcuts.

In this guide, we’ll teach you how to use them.

Shortcuts are free in ChatGPT. They come by default.

Meaning: You don’t need a plugin for ChatGPT to use shortcuts.

Let’s dive into the guide.

How to use ChatGPT keyboard shortcuts

  1. Open ChatGPT
  2. Click the question mark icon (bottom-right)
  3. Select “Keyboard shortcuts
  4. Read & Apply
Keyboard shortcuts in ChatGPT
  • Shortly, this is how you can use ChatGPT’s keyboard shortcuts.
  • You can use them in any ChatGPT conversation.

Let’s go into the step-by-step process.

We’ll then talk about the individual shortcuts for Windows & Mac.

1. Open ChatGPT

ChatGPT - App Home Page

Access the official website right here:

2. Question mark icon

Question mark icon in ChatGPT
  1. Look in the bottom-right corner
  2. Click the “?” icon

This will bring a pop-up.

3. Keyboard shortcuts

Clicking on Keyboard Shortcuts in ChatGPT
  • Click “Keyboard shortcuts” in the menu.

You’ll now see a list of all the shortcuts:

Keyboard shortcuts in ChatGPT

Follow these when working with the AI chatbot.

Windows shortcuts (All)

Below you can find all of the Windows-specific shortcuts:

  • Open new chat: CTRL + Shift + O
  • Focus on chat input: Shift + Esc
  • Copy last code block: Ctrl + Shift + ;
  • Copy last response: CTRL + Shift + C
  • Set custom instructions: Ctrl + Shift + I
  • Toggle sidebar: CTRL + Shift + S
  • Delete chat: CTRL + Shift + Backspace
  • Show all shortcuts: CTRL + /

Mac shortcuts (All)

Below are shortcuts designed for Mac:

  • Open new chat: CMD + Shift + O
  • Focus on chat input: Shift + Esc
  • Copy last code block: CMD + Shift + ;
  • Copy last response: CMD + Shift + C
  • Set custom instructions: CMD + Shift + I
  • Toggle sidebar: CMD + Shift + S
  • Delete chat: CMD + Shift + Backspace
  • Show all shortcuts: CMD + /


This is all you need to know about ChatGPT’s keyboard shortcuts.

Learn how to become more productive with our guides on how to use AI.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch David and Daniel

About the author

David, the head editor at, has four years of experience in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Join David and the team and explore AI tools and contributing to the creation and curation of AI educational content.