Article last updated on:
November 16, 2023

Currently, there is no reliable method to download and install ChatGPT as a desktop app for:

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux

You can only download the ChatGPT app on mobile devices.

OpenAI hasn’t released a desktop app for ChatGPT.

Right now, you can only access online ( or on mobile devices.

How can I get ChatGPT on my computer?

Currently, you can only use ChatGPT on a computer by going through a search engine.

At the moment, this is how you can use ChatGPT on a computer:

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account (or sign in)
  3. Start using ChatGPT

There’s no ChatGPT app you can download.

Even ChatGPT itself says this. Check it out:

ChatGPT Saying It Cannot Be Downloaded On Desktop

In the future, there is a chance that OpenAI will release a stand-alone app in the future.

There are some guides teaching you how to download ChatGPT…

However, none of them are reliable methods. They only teach you how to:

  • Create a shortcut of the website → And add it to desktop
  • Download extensions that don’t do anything special

Essentially, these tutorials are a waste of time when you can just access ChatGPT online.

Stick to the website for now — we’ll update this tutorial once an official downloadable version comes out.

Is ChatGPT free on desktop?

Yes, ChatGPT is 100% free on desktop.

  • You can use the standard model for free.
  • Paying is optional — only if you want their most performant model.

Read more about ChatGPT’s pricing in our separate guide.

Though, this is it for this guide. You’ve just learned how to use ChatGPT on desktop.

Learn how to become more productive with our guides on how to use AI.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch David and Daniel

About the author

David, the head editor at, has four years of experience in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Join David and the team and explore AI tools and contributing to the creation and curation of AI educational content.