Article last updated on:
December 27, 2023

In this guide, you’ll learn how to change the theme in ChatGPT:

  • Turn on dark mode
  • Enable light mode
  • On desktop & mobile

In ChatGPT, it’s 100% free turning on/off dark mode.

Let’s see the steps.

How to turn Dark Mode on/off in ChatGPT

Simply change the theme in ChatGPT by going to Settings, General, Theme, and select the preferred style: System, Dark, Light.

Below you can read how to do this on desktop and mobile.

A. On desktop

You can turn on dark mode in ChatGPT on desktop by: clicking your name in bottom-left side, clicking “Settings & Beta”, and selecting “Dark” in the “Theme” section.

Below is a step-by-step breakdown.

1. Settings

Going to the Settings screen in ChatGPT
  1. Click your profile picture (bottom-left corner)
  2. Select “Settings & Beta

You’ll then see a new screen, full og settings.

2. Switch Theme

Turning on dark mode in ChatGPT
  1. Click on the box saying “Theme
    • By default: It should say “System”
    • If you’re on light mode: It should say “Light”
  2. Select “Dark” from the list

ChatGPT will automatically turn dark — like it did in our example above.

To sync ChatGPT with your device’s theme, select “System”.

This will automatically make ChatGPT light or dark, according to your computer’s theme.

B. On mobile

To change ChatGPT’s theme on your phone or tablet: click the three dot icon (top-right of the app), select “Settings” and choose “System, Dark, or Light” in the “Color Scheme” section.

Here is a step-by-step breakdown.

Method 1: In app

Learn how to change the theme just for the ChatGPT app.

1. Settings
How To Open Settings in ChatGPT Mobile
  1. Open the ChatGPT app
  2. Click the “Menu” icon (top-let side)
  3. Select your profile picture

A new screen should pop up — with all the settings.

2. Color Scheme
Switching ChatGPT to dark mode on iPhone
  1. Scroll down to the App section
  2. Tap on Color Scheme
  3. Select System, Dark, or Light

For this example, we’ve changed from “System” to “Dark”.

In case you’re wondering: “System” changes your ChatGPT icon according to your device’s.

This brings us to…

Method 2: Device

You can also change your ChatGPT theme on mobile by switching your whole device’s theme from light to dark.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Control center

Note: This will differ according to your device.

However, this process is pretty similar for most smart phones + tablets.

Opening Control Centre on iPhone

In this example, we’re using this for ChatGPT on an iPhone.

  1. Swipe from the top (right side of the screen)
  2. Your phone’s Control Center should open.
2. Switch theme

In this example, we’re starting from light mode → switching to dark mode:

Enabling dark mode in ChatGPT through system on iPhone
  • Tap the Theme button on your phone
  • Return back to ChatGPT.

Your app’s theme should now be changed. In our case, it should now be dark.

Let’s see it:

Dark Mode ChatGPT on an iPhone

There we have it. Dark mode ChatGPT on an iPhone!


  • As said before, we’ve used an iPhone in this guide.
  • Your button’s location may differ according to your settings.
  • For instance, this button may not even be there on your phone.

If you don’t have this button and you want to add it, read Apple’s guide.

Actually, here — we’ve made it easier for you:

How to change theme on iPhone through Control Center

There you go!


You’ve just learned everything about changing themes on ChatGPT:

  • System
  • Dark mode
  • Light mode

Hope this guide was of help!

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Thank you for reading this,

Ch David and Daniel

About the author

David, the head editor at, has four years of experience in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Join David and the team and explore AI tools and contributing to the creation and curation of AI educational content.