Article last updated on:
November 27, 2023

Writing an essay? Need to cite ChatGPT?

This is the place to be in. Over here, we’re teaching you just that.

We’ll go over a few reference styles:

  • APA
  • MLA
  • Chicago
  • Harvard

Citing ChatGPT as a source is 100% free and easy.

Relevant read: How to write an essay with ChatGPT

Let’s learn how to cite ChatGPT and other AI first.

How to cite ChatGPT as a reference

To cite ChatGPT as a reference: List “OpenAI” as the author, include the date of accessing, write “Conversation with ChatGPT” as the title, and insert a URL to ChatGPT.

Let’s go to the different formats to cite ChatGPT.

1. APA

  1. Author: List “OpenAI” as the author.
  2. Date: Include the date you accessed the chat.
  3. Title: Use “Conversation with ChatGPT” as the title.
  4. URL: If applicable, use the URL of the chat interface.
Referencing ChatGPT using APA format

Format: OpenAI. (Year, Month Day). Conversation with ChatGPT. URL

Example: OpenAI. (2023, October 22). Conversation with ChatGPT.

2. MLA

  1. Author: Write “OpenAI” as the author.
  2. Title: Say “Conversation with ChatGPT.”
  3. Date: Use the date you talked to ChatGPT.
  4. Medium: State “Web.”
Referencing ChatGPT in MLA style

Format: OpenAI. “Conversation with ChatGPT”. Web, Day Month Year. URL

Example: OpenAI. “Conversation with ChatGPT.” Web, 22 October 2023.

3. Chicago

  1. Author: Use “OpenAI” as the author.
  2. Title: Go with “Conversation with ChatGPT.”
  3. Date: Note down the date you accessed the chat.
  4. URL: Include the URL if available.
Referencing A ChatGPT Conversation in Chicago style

In this picture, we’re using for the essay.

Format: OpenAI. Year. “Conversation with ChatGPT.” Accessed Month Day. URL.

Example: OpenAI. 2023. “Conversation with ChatGPT”. Accessed October 22.

4. Harvard

  1. Author: State “OpenAI” as the author.
  2. Year: Use the year you accessed the chat.
  3. Title: Opt for “Conversation with ChatGPT.”
  4. URL: Insert the URL if applicable.
  5. Date Accessed: Include the full date you accessed the chat.
Referencing ChatGPT in Harvard style

Format: OpenAI (Year) ‘Conversation with ChatGPT’, Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).

Example: OpenAI (2023) ‘Conversation with ChatGPT’, Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).


These are the 4 main ways to reference ChatGPT in your documents.

  • Make sure you reference in the correct style.
  • Double-check your requirements before starting!

If you do that and follow this guide, your ChatGPT references will be perfect.

Learn how to become more productive with our guides on how to use AI.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch David and Daniel

About the author

David, the head editor at, has four years of experience in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Join David and the team and explore AI tools and contributing to the creation and curation of AI educational content.