Article last updated on:
December 27, 2023

Without wasting any time, we’l teach you how to sign up for ChatGPT.

  • Registering for ChatGPT is 100% free.
  • Using ChatGPT is also free.
  • Only upgrading to ChatGPT Plus is paid.

Let’s see how to create a ChatPGT account.

How to sign up for ChatGPT

To sign up for ChatGPT, you need to: Go to the website, click “Sign up”, choose how to sign up, select a password. Then, verify your email, insert your name + date of birth, verify your phone, and you’re in.

Quite a lengthy process, but OpenAI has to ensure it has 100% real users for such a powerful too.

1. Register

Let’s break down the steps to create a free account.

1.1. Sign up

Go to this URL to sign up:

Signing up for ChatGPT

On the log in page, you want to select “Sign Up”.

1.2. Email

Then, select how to create your ChatGPT account:

  • Email
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
Choosign how to sign up for ChatGPT
  • Google, Microsoft, and Apple all have simpler, more straight-forward processes.
  • You’ve also probably been through these sign-up methods before.

For this example, we’re going through the basic Email option.

1.3. Verify email

You should receive an email almost instantly:

Verifying email address for ChatGPT

Simply click “Verify email address“.

That will take you back to the ChatGPT website.

1.4. Personal data

Over here, you want to fill in a few fields:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Date of birth
Filling in personal data for ChatGPT

When you’re done, hit “Continue“.

1.5. Phone number

Select your country and then type in your phone number.

No need to include the international “+” prefix.

Verifying a phone number for ChatGPT

Finished typing? Click “Send code“.

1.6. Verify phone

In almost no time, you’ll receive a text from a short phone number.

It will give you the sign-up code for ChatGPT.

Phone number verification code for ChatGPT

Simply type it in the box and click “Continue“.

1.7. You’re in

ChatGPT - App Home Page

That’s how you sign up for a free ChatGPT account.

2. Log in

In this section, we’re exploring how to log into ChatGPT.

2.1. Access website

Go to the ChatGPT website:

Logging into ChatGPT
  1. Open the ChatGPT website
  2. Select Log in

This will take you to the next screen.

2.2. Email

Welcome back log in screen - ChatGPT
  1. Insert your email address
  2. Select a platform

Use Google, Microsoft, or Apple to log in ChatGPT.

2.3. Confirm log in

Using Google to log into ChatGPT

If you’ve used email:

  1. Insert your password
  2. Verify your log-in via 2FA

If you’ve used a platform (e.g. Google):

  1. Enter your email
  2. Type in your password
  3. Verify your log in via 2FA

With Google, you may need to open YouTube or Gmail on your safe device to give or revoke access for the ChatGPT log-in.

2.4. You’re in

ChatGPT - App Home Page
  • You’ve logged into ChatGPT!
  • The same process is for mobile devices.

That’s all you need to know about logging in.


You’ve just learned how to sign up for ChatGPT and how to log in.

Hope you learned something new!

Learn how to become more productive with our guides on how to use AI.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch David and Daniel

About the author

David, the head editor at, has four years of experience in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Join David and the team and explore AI tools and contributing to the creation and curation of AI educational content.