Article last updated on:
December 27, 2023

Don’t like ChatGPT‘s answer? Already hit enter?

You’ll now learn how to stop the AI from writing after already sending a prompt.

Let’s go.

How to stop ChatGPT from writing its answer

To stop ChatGPT from writing an answer to your message: Click the button saying “Stop generating” and the AI will stop.

You can then re-ask ChatGPT anything else.

1. Desktop

Stopping ChatGPT from generating an answer
  1. Ask ChatGPT anything
  2. Wait for it to start answering
  3. Click “Stop generating

This will stop ChatGPT from writing the answer.

Also learn: What are the 10 best AI Prompt Generators.

2. Mobile

Cancelling ChatGPT's answer on mobile
  1. Send a prompt
  2. ChatGPT will start generating
  3. Click the blue “pause icon

ChatGPT’s answer is not interrupted and you can ask anything else.


There you go! You’ve just learned how to do stop ChatGPT.

Cancelling ChatGPT’s answers is as simple as clicking a single button.

Learn how to become more productive with our guides on how to use AI.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch David and Daniel

About the author

David, the head editor at, has four years of experience in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Join David and the team and explore AI tools and contributing to the creation and curation of AI educational content.